Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 3rd Smart Materials Webinar London, UK.

Day 1 :

Conference Series Smart Materials 2021 International Conference Keynote Speaker NORIYUKI KODAMA photo

Noriyuki Kodama has her expertise in nuclear physics at Tokyo Institute of Technology, has the vast experience of semiconductor process development.


Propose the new cold fusion reactor and heat element in fig.2 based on the cold fusion mechanism shown in fig.1.

I summarize this theory in fig1. D is absorbed in metal in D2O and D enters in the surface T site after the sufficiently high D/Pd ratio, and the T site is expanded by the larger D- and adjacent T site size is smaller due to the compress by the expanded T site, so it has D+. Under this condition, the coulomb attractive force moves D+ to D-. Here we must note that surface free electron can shield the coulomb attractive force and so, to control the fusion, it must be depleted from surface of metal otherwise higher temperature is needed to trigger fusion. Fig.2 shows the flat electrode above metal to control the surface potential of metal

Keynote Forum


RBVRR Womens college of pharmacy, Hyderabad

Keynote: Significance of particle size up on delivery of drug in the formulation
Conference Series Smart Materials 2021 International Conference Keynote Speaker A.KRISHNA SAILAJA photo

Krishna sailaja, Department of Pharmaceutics, RBVRR Women’s college of pharmacy, Hyderabad


Particle size reduction is considered to be a most important approach to improve the solubility , bioavailability and to attain site specific targeting of the drug.Size of drug delivery systems influences pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and clearance. Only nanocarriers, including SLN, of a certain size (≤150 nm) are able to enter or exit fenestrated capillaries in the tumour microenvironment or liver endothelium. Nanocarriers circulating in normal blood vessels do not easily leave the capillaries that perfuse tissues such as the kidney, lung and heart if they have a diameter range of 100–150 nm. Smaller particles in the size range of 20–100 nm may distribute to bone marrow, spleen and liver sinusoids. Small particles dissolve more rapidly than large ones, which is important not only in determining the behavior of the drug in vivo but also in various manufacturing processes. The flow properties of powders are strongly dependent on particle size and, in particular, particle shape. Since most powders are moved from one place to another by flowing, control of flow behavior is highly important. Generally, coarse, roughly spherical particles flow much more easily than small or elongated particles. The stability of dispersions, such as suspensions and emulsions, depends on the size of the dispersed material. The forces between colloidal particles depend on their dimensions, and the settling. In this work various colloidal drug delivery systems such as nanoparticles, ethosomes, transferosomes, liposomes, and microspheres in the delivery of drug towards the target site was discussed.